Keep Track With Google Analytics

Here at The Slightly Different SEO, we still see clients come to us without any tracking facility on their site. How do they know the number of visitors they get?

For some, it’s probably still a bit of guesswork.

That’s why we want to tell you why Google Analytics is so great. If you haven’t got to grips with this tracking software then we recommend you start now. Indeed, there are other stats providers that you can use for your website, but in our long SEO history we have never come across any free stats service as comprehensive, valuable and all round perfect as Google analytics. It tells us pretty much everything we need to know, so there’s no reason why it can’t work for you too.

Don’t waste your time spending money on an analytics service when the search giant Google offers one for free. Plus, we think it’s straightforward to use. If, however, you tend to get a bit muddled up with numbers and figures then we are always on hand to take control of this for you and keep track of your analytics via an ongoing SEO campaign. We can present the vital stats to you in a detailed monthly report showing you what’s doing well, what isn’t and who’s visiting and from where. Of course, these are just some of the great stats that Google Analytics can gather, meaning you can get closer than ever to understanding the true benefits of your site and what can be done to improve it. If you don’t have an analytics package, then you surely must have wondered how your website is doing at some point. Even if you have a tiny 3 page website, every webmaster can benefit from knowing stats including:

• Popular pages
• Traffic sources
• Length of time on site
• Bounce rate
• Unique visits

Google Analytics is great for everyone and it is very reliable. You can log in and check your stats at any time of the day and keep a close eye on how the site is performing. You can nip potential issues in the bud by re-assessing poor-performing content or pick up on dead links.

The Slightly Different SEO’s SEO team uses Google Analytics on a daily basis to ensure their clients websites are doing well. Since SEO is a gradual process, this is a perfect opportunity to use Google Analytics to see the changes over some time and evaluate the increase percentages. We say increase percentages because that’s what we pride ourselves on here at WMG; the ability to increase visitors, organic search traffic and other juicy essentials. We focus on what we CAN do; not what we can’t. Google Analytics provides us with the perfect tools to do this.

So, in closing, if you haven’t already got Google Analytics tracking your site, don’t wait any longer! Click here for more info: Google Analytics