How To Get Started in Social Media Marketing – Part 2

In How To Get Started in Social Media Marketing – Part 1 we discussed the importance of researching your audience, identifying who they are, where they go, which channels they use and what they talk about.

Measure The Impact of Social Media

If you have a good handle on those factors then you are probably near to jumping into social media.

We also spoke of the need to measure prior to launching into social media. It is important to have a good benchmark of where you are, have clear metrics and tracking in place to see what impact social media has on your website.

You should be able to identify the good, the bad and the ugly that could result from your social media marketing campaign.

The good should hopefully be that your social media marketing engages the audience and leads to conversion. The bad could be that your investment in social media marketing initially has no real impact while the ugly (and bad) could be increased spam and further time drain.

We hope it is the first scenario but must mention at this point that key to any social media campaign success is to continually evaluate and be prepared to re-draft your approach.

Launch Your Social Media Marketing

We would suggest starting modestly with a Twitter account. On writing this article it has become clear that it would be too much to try and launch into more than one social media channel simultaneously. We’ll deal with Facebook and LinkedIn in another article.

Optimise your Twitter account…

  • fill in as much information as you can to engage the audience
  • use your company or brand name as the account
  • use the bio to reveal as much as you can, optimise with keywords
  • customise the background image
  • customise your icon
  • find people you want to follow and be confident to be followed
  • post regularly with messages and use tinyURL to link to your website or blog

Remember, try and get your social head on as social media is all about engagement, always see what people say about your company or brand and react accordingly.